Domestic producer Grants (Gaza)

Domestic producer Grants (Gaza)

These grants target micro, small and medium-size firms. It aims at developing and improving production, increase local sales, and reducing dependency on imports.

Eligibility criteria:

  1. The firm should be registered with the MoNE.
  2. The applicant is in business for at least three years.
  3. The applicant has local sales of at least $100K per year in any of the last three years with documented growth.
  4. The initial growth plan has significant potential to increase local sales and create jobs within the company and within local suppliers.
  5. The initial growth plan has the potential to increase the prospects for the Gazan economy to self-sustain.
  6. The concept does not negatively affect the environment and involves child labor or gender discrimination.

Form submission guidelines:

Please email the filled form alongside the documents referenced in the form to

A message confirming the receipt will be sent to the applicant upon receival and a follow-on message will be sent to the applicant once the concept is found eligible to be shortlisted for detailed application submission.

Gaza Domestic Growth Concept Template Arabic
Gaza Domestic Growth Concept Template English
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